The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55062   Message #858047
Posted By: Bobert
03-Jan-03 - 06:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
Normal, Don. The press didn't get on board until around 1973 during Vietnam. They are always the last to any party held by the working class and poor, who pay for and die in their wars. And, lets not remove the media from those who profit from war. Wars sell lots of Geritol and ant-acids. Lets also keep in mind that the media is owned by folks who feel more comfortable in their segregated country clubs than mixing with the rif-raf.

But good fir you and your folks out there. We've got a biggie comin' up in the 18th and I'll be there with my teenaged son and anyone else I can get to go.

And as fir the WMD that Bush keeps talkin' about I know exactly what he's gonna say. First of all he has all but said that Saddam doesn't have anything too bad since rather than give specifics he is trying to build a circumstantial arguement coupled with stupid stuff about material breechs. If Iraq's radar system tracks an F-16k, according to Bush, that is a material breech. Hey, that's been occuring for over 10 years. Big woop!

I mean, Bush paraded his evidence before the US's allies and afterwards, they yawned and, other than those folks who Bush really bullied, that said "pass".

But Bush is gonna show some pictures taken from satalites or recdon planes and none of them are goinna show a danged thing but some general is gonna get up and say that there is a degree of probability that these pictures might implicate Saddam. Then Bush is going to drag out that tired line that goes along the lines of "Do we have to wait until the nuclear bomb has been dropped on us before we believe" (That line cost the American working people several million dollars of hard earned tax money in PR.) The it woof-woof this and woof-woof that and then next thing ya' know the US will make its largest and most immoral foriegn policy decision in its history!

And this decision will be made by a man who stole an election and wouldn't know the *truth* if it bit him on his lieing, theivin' butt.

This is unreal! Totally Godless and unreal. Kicking folks butts just because you can is *NOT* a foriegn policy. It is a national sin against humanity. I have never been more ashamed of my government.

And no, Doug, the all out attack has not begun (though the US has been bombing Iraqi air defenses for a while now) but even if Saddam were to commit sucide tonight and no invasion occured, it makes Bush's foriegn olicy no less sinfull and embarrassing...

Peace thru Resistence.
