The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55252   Message #858096
Posted By: Amos
03-Jan-03 - 07:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Rumsfeld sane?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Rumsfeld sane?
In any quick read of a variety of print media, from both liberal and conservative camps, does not support a man who is unclear or often misspoken.

Oh, Claymore, you just do make me laugh so!!

The media until very recently has drooled spittle all over the very clay feet of the most moronic speaker ever to grace the front pages of American journals since Alfred E. Neuman, a man who cannot complete a grammatical thoughtful sentence of more than four words because he is too busy putting on the spin, pumping out mindless tautologies and simplistic platitiudes...a man who has made more verbal gaffes in one year than Quayle has made since he was born (dumpkopf that he was)...and you say the media doesn't support it? The media has been inventing ways to ruin the English language ever since Harry Luce started condoning Timespeak. G'yamme one durned break theah, podnuh! There was a time when it was felt thay clear language was a reflection of clear thought, and vice-versa. Today, such a porposition would be condemned as _unpatriotic_!!!

Rumsfeld's sanity is betrayed less by his usual language than by his anxiety to destroy human flesh as a means of persuasion, not a trait I associate with the paradigms of sanity I have met.