The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55252   Message #858503
Posted By: Tweed
04-Jan-03 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Rumsfeld sane?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Rumsfeld sane?
Yep, it's all very strange stuff ain't it Amos? Oddly enough the mainstream media doesn't report anything of this sort and therefore reports of this nature fall into the crackpot file, even though there seems to be extensive documentation at hand for verification.
I listened to the A**hole of the Right, Rushbo, yesterday and he announced with glee that a large number of liberal type journalists were all let go from major news agencies this week. Apparently there are few reporters left who can report anything that could undermine the current load of horseshit that gets dumped on us daily. More hard times ahead folks, but we'll make it through somehow or other. The scales are too overloaded on one side and that's never worked very well for long.
