The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55062   Message #858685
Posted By: Bobert
04-Jan-03 - 04:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?

And to add to what Nicole has just posted, Iraq's decade long firing at US planes without one single one being hit should be further evidence that the US is about to bully a nation which possesses not much more than a third rate military. Boy, now doesn't this make Junior look all brave. I mean 10 yeras of shooting and not even a lucky hit?

Just keep in mind, Doug, that those folks who sit back and parrot the lines that Junior's PR firm have put in his mouth, should be considered accomplaces when the murder begins. You may not have any realtionship with God and that's not my business but if you do then I would suggest you have a long talk with Him about your support for the murders that will be on your guy's hands and soul. And ya' might ven go as far as to ask Him what He thinks of folks, who like you, are buying these lies and standing behind this evil Godless man.

This is a biggie, Doug. This ain't about the economy. Or education. This one fall's into the murder category.

And I'm not going to respons to any "Saddam is bad, too" posts. Bad is bad and there's no excuse for it. Two wrongs don't make a right, my friend.

You still have a choice. Hey, no where is chizzeled in stone that you have to agree with absolutely every thing Bush does just because you happen to be a Republican... If Clinton were about to do this, I believe you'd be playing a different tune. Think about it!

Now, come on over here and get a big hug...
