The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11504   Message #85937
Posted By: Peter T.
11-Jun-99 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: we'll have Nunavit - BS
Subject: RE: we'll have Nunavit - BS
(Sound of tinkly piano and icebergs cracking. Pontoon plane revving up in the distance.)
RICK (Fielding in his old Thunder Bay duds, slight lisp, low fedora, pulls slug out of mouth): "We'll always have Nunavit. We'd lost it, until you came to Tuktoyuktuk."
ILSA (Sheye around the edges): "And I said I would never leave you, or Sam, or the huskies."
RICK (pulls out blubberized guitar, strikes approaching polar bear with it in F#): "And you never will. But I've got a job to do too, Ilsa, and where I'm going you can't follow. Look ,Ilsa, you're part of the tundra, part of what makes it keep going, part of its endless barrenness and nothingness. If you aren't on that plane when it takes off, it might not make it off the runway, because it is way too overloaded with booze crates; but you'll still regret it, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and certainly when winter comes. (Bob de Vere approaches). Here's looking at you, kid."
(Rick chucks Ilsa under the chin, she roundhouses him with a left, and gets on the aircraft with Bob. The polar bear awakes).
RICK: "Well, I guess its just you and me."
PB: "Know any Freddy Mercury songs?"
Rick looks more closely. Polar bear removes polar bear costume, revealing Duckboots in Duckboots, holding groundhog trap)
RICK: "You know, Duckboots, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
They lope off together to the sounds of the Canadian national anthem. The AIR NUNAVIT plane hits the end of the runway and fireballs. Snow falls. Curtain falls. Churchill Falls.
Yours, Peter T.