The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55383   Message #860474
Posted By: Catherine Jayne
07-Jan-03 - 04:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: What makes a friend, a real friend?
Subject: RE: BS: What makes a friend, a real friend?
I had a friendship that fell apart last year after 21 years. As we were growing up we were close and our families knew each other...our fathers worked together at the Pit. I went to uni and we didn't see each other as often as we used to. Then I moved back and we picked up the friendship fromw where we left off was bizarre, just like I hadn't moved away and we decided to share a house. Anyhow the friendship broke down to lack of trust. Things, money etc would go missing and she began to try and turn my other friends against me by spreading ridiculus lies about me. It was a good friend who eventually told me what had actually been going on. And Yes it hurt alot and to a certain extent it still does. My REAL friends rallied round me and helped me through it all and TOLD me the truth.

A true friend will be honest with you but the friendship needs trust to survive.
