The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55422   Message #861140
Posted By: Mudlark
07-Jan-03 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
Dear Struggling...

Exercising with chronic disability a big problem and one that I share. I agree with Wuzzle, better to peddle for 4 min. and congratulate yourself than to strive for more, then stop altogether because it precipitates more problems. Also agree that exercise has many guises...tense/release, leg raises while sitting at computer, deep breathing, and maybe the most important...the mental exercise of celebrating all that you have going for you. In many cases staying in the same place (rather than slipping down) is a huge achievement. Not as exciting as breaking thru that ribbon, maybe, but a hell of a lot better than the alternative.

Good luck and stay in touch...