The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54806   Message #861276
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
07-Jan-03 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: Shanty Sessions at the Press Room
Subject: RE: Shanty Sessions at the Press Room
}B^{6~ AArrrgh!;

Which one o' ye nubile Wenches is goin' tae coom dressed oop like the Mermaid?

Ye know, like all them ones flirtin' aboot th' auld China Seas Shop? (Most o' which is now coolin' their wooden lovliness in a storage locker in Gray, Maine). Some of us is gwine tae miss them Lassies!

Hmmmm... nows I's a-wonderin' jest who we gots whats built fer th' job, eh?

Carefull there, Judy; ye might dribble yer sour cream on onnea them...

Ach!; Never mind.
