The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55415   Message #861611
Posted By: GUEST,Soma
08-Jan-03 - 12:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: In The Beginning
Subject: RE: BS: In The Beginning
At the start the Flesh loved the Word
And the Word loved the Flesh
Together they danced beneath the stars
Under the bowl of the sky.
Flesh revelling in the songs and stories
Of the word.
And Word revelled in the sweetness of Melons
And the joy coupling

But the word grew arrogant
And presumptuous
And turned it's back on the flesh
And spent to long in it's own company
Inventing realms where the Word could go
But the Flesh could not follow

Time past

The Word grew more arrogant
Thinking itself Immortal
And began to despise the flesh
Sacrificing the Flesh for the Words
And to prove its hegemony

And All was dispute and War