The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20301   Message #861740
Posted By: JohnInKansas
08-Jan-03 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Question - Scanners
Subject: RE: Tech, Question - Scanners
The TIF files from a digital camera will import into most OCRs without any trouble, but the normal text OCR likes a clean/square image, where the text runs in pretty straight lines. If you "look slantwise" when you take the picture, you're not likely to get a "clean" conversion. A lot of digicams don't have really good lenses, so you get pincushion and balloon effects that the eye ignores - but that strangle OCR.

I haven't used any of the music scan/conversion programs much, but I'd suppose they would need to be somewhat more tolerant about the skew and warp.

Even with a good scanner, I've found that on some originals you can get better OCR by scanning in color, converting to b/w in image software, and trimming the "threshold" to get rid of the "fur." It sometimes gives cleaner "edges" than a direct b/w scan.
