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Thread #55422   Message #861825
Posted By: GUEST
08-Jan-03 - 02:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
"I am still on Day Four"

I love it! Now that's the attitude! I have several yoga books I've used too over the years. I love the videos though, and have several I mix up so I don't get bored.

I too have struggled with all these issues, as have family members who are disabled. My mother has learned to do excercises while seated. The book she used is called "Get Fit While You Sit" and was given to her by her physical therapist. There is also this great yoga website I discovered called "Keyboard Yoga":

Their breathing exercises are good. When I had an ulcer, I had terrible problems with my breathing--it was difficult to bring my breathe lower than my diaphram. It was like there was a physical block there (well, there was...the ulcer). I didn't use the Keyboard Yoga breathing techniques, but some other breathing techniques I learned doing movement classes. But the breathing techniques are very useful, especially for getting through the pain while exercising. Same concept as breath techniques used for women in labor and delivery, actually. They are handy as hell.

My partner has a back injury (sounds like Guest Q). He did a pain clinic, and it was very helpful. But the thing that helped most was time. Sounds like you are on the right track Q, best of luck to you. The pain clinic did have a warm water therapy pool, but my partner didn't use it that much. He prefers stretching exercises, the bike, and weight lifting.

The main thing is, do what works best for you, not what worked best for everyone else. Chronic pain is so unique to the person. If you don't like the exercise bike (you should get a clear mind buzz from your exercising, even in the earliest stages, if you really enjoy that sort of exercise activity), find something else. But keep trying, and trying, and trying. It is an arduous journey to finding the right mix that will work for you, but all great journeys are! Also, if you prefer exercising with company, get into some exercise classes instead of trying to do it alone at home. It doesn't take any more effort when you think about it. If you love exercising in a class, then that is less effort than doing exercising you hate alone at home. And it's all about the attitude! Four minutes is impressive, and don't let anyone tell you it isn't. Those of us who've been there, know!

Best of luck & great good health to you.