The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55496   Message #862481
Posted By: Aidan Crossey
09-Jan-03 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: derrymacash has left the building
Subject: RE: derrymacash has left the building
Spaw ...

Your unkind words are so ... poetic. Surely before someone could take umbrage at such eloquent vilification they'd have to congratulate you heartily on your exuberant verbosity! Personally, I'd be flattered to be the subject of such a literate tirade. (Shit! I probably will be the subject of such a tirade at some point. Few escape Spaw's occasional(!) bubble-bursting, pomposity-scourging sorties ... Strike that "Personally I'd be flattered ..." remark from the record!)

Dave ...

Didn't think of that wee drawback. Ah ... to hell with it! I'll find a way. Where there's a will and all that.
