The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55496   Message #862569
Posted By: katlaughing
09-Jan-03 - 10:20 AM
Thread Name: derrymacash has left the building
Subject: RE: derrymacash has left the building
Phew! I read the thread title and thought you were a goner! At least sworn off the Mudcat. Damn it all, we are obviously stuck with you and I have to admit I am damn glad of it!

Welcome, welcome, welcome to Ireland's Best Kept Secret, Musician Extraordinaire, Aidan Crossey! He can pick 'em, he can twang 'em, he can belt 'em, he can swoon 'em...he can sing the most profane of lyrics and make your heart swell with the beauty of the tune and delivery. Ah, go on, now, ya can, too! Who else could do "Fuck the Irish" and make it sound so beautiful?!

For every one pebble set on edge in the Colorado River, there are a gazillion which sit flat on their asses, waiting for a rough and tumble.
