The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55422   Message #862994
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
09-Jan-03 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
Subject: RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability
You sound as if you've broken the biggest barrier, the one in your head. The fact that you now sign in as 'struggling but hopeful' is a great indication and an encouragement to us all. The longest journey starts with a single step.

You wanted to know about others on the journey with you..... you asked for it!!!

I've been doing the healthy eating bit at work - the sweetie jar has been forcibly removed and replaced with tons of fruit and veggies.... so I'm with you on that.

I've tried some 'Detox' tea too... heaven only knows what effect THAT will have, but it wasn't too nasty (except it looked like wee in a white cup - must remember to use the blue cup for it) especially with a little honey in it. I'll let you know what happens, but it has all manner of things in it like dandelion, liquorice, peppermint and sage - all good for the digestion. Hopefully that will quell the 'beached whale' feelings I've got at the moment (lots of reasons, being rather tubby is only one!), and it's doing wonders for my concentration.

So there we go. One step together... what's the next one? Me getting the bike fixed I suppose... anyone got a spanner?