The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55465   Message #863131
Posted By: Rapparee
09-Jan-03 - 08:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help: early stage cataracts
Subject: RE: BS: Help: early stage cataracts
My ophthmalogist told me a year ago that I have early cataracts. I'm not worried; when they get bad I'll have them corrected. By then I suspect that there will be even more options. My younger brother also has them,but he has other health issues as well (Agent Orange exposure caused some of them).

Hang in there and go to an opthmalogist, preferably one associated with a decent medical school (mine also teaches at U. of Cincinnati).

Now, even though I've worn glasses since age 6 or 7, I'm not going to get Lasik surgery. Why? Because it hyped all over, but they don't tell you about the failure rate (check out the NIH site). My eyes are too damned important to me to risk a failure rate of up to 28%. Besides, I'm used to glasses (contacts are not really an option -- I had uncorrected "lazy eye" as a child).