The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2224   Message #8635
Posted By: Bert Hansell
14-Jul-97 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: What is a Folk Song?
Subject: RE: What is a Folk Song?
My turn again.

Years ago I went to an Eisteddfodd in Llangollen expecting to hear some really good folk music. All I heard was a succession of over polished choirs singing over produced versions of traditional songs.

I didn't consider that to be folk music even though the content was traditional. It was AWFUL.

Now I belong to a well know folk club who sponsor two kinds of regular activity.

First is a Monthly Concert which usually (9 times out of ten) consists of singer/songwriters performing their own, usually very forgettable, work. I don't consider that to be folk music either.

Their other activity however is a monthly informal sing where ordinary (dare I say it ) FOLK sing whatever they like. It often includes fairly modern material such as, maybe 'moonshadow' or 'Mr Tambourine Man' etc. I DO consider that to be real folk music.

Folk are out there singing these songs now. Time will tell if they ever become traditional.

So keep singing and having fun.
