The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54806 Message #863580
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
10-Jan-03 - 12:08 PM
Thread Name: Shanty Sessions at the Press Room
Subject: RE: Shanty Sessions at the Press Room
Not satisfied with just calling Cpt. "Bunk", another old pal and I stopped by their place in Gray after breakfast this morning and rousted the good Cpt. out of bed around 10AM; Sharon was up and feeding the birds.
They convey their appologies, but will be in Lewiston tomorrow for the festivities surrounding the various "rallies" scheduled involving the "diversity" issues in that community of late.
Sharon and Steve are not planning to attend the "Diversity" rally; instead they want to go to the Neo-Nazi function in order to get right up in their faces and confront / irritate / annoy them as much as possible. Ya gotta love 'em!
Kendall; Coffee House in Harpswell, eh? Is that a regular thing there, or a one-time gig? If it is regular and open to rif-raf like us I hope you can provide times & directions so we might be able to show up and heckle the performers.
I'll check back in later tonight & check for developments, directions & such; if I'm real good and get the decks swabbed & the bright work polished, Cpt. Martha might let me go ashore tomorrow.