The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55540   Message #863762
Posted By: Strupag
10-Jan-03 - 03:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Maggie Thatcher Day
Subject: RE: Maggie Thatcher Day
Well It was bound to happen; Some Yank with a gaelic handle decides to educate us with his home spun philosophy about how our country was going down the drain etc.
Well Claymore, I reckon she did start the Falklands war by sinking the Belgrano which was outside the exclusion zone and steaming further away from it. I agree the the agression was started by Galtieri, but this was in the background of the UK showing definate signs of withdrawing interest in the area. Why don't you read some of Tam Dalziell's writing on the subject.
If thatcher was the saviour of our economic system, why has the rich in Britain got increasingly richer and the poor got poorer? This is a well proven fact and not a political statment.
I remember the 60's and 70's well and we had a huge merchant fleet.
We had coal mines that were being worked. We had a massive steel industry.
Yes our strike record was a bit poor but the way foreward was the German example where both unions and managment sat down and decided together how their company should go foreward. Thatcher, instead, decided to smash the unions.
As for your reference to Lech Wallenca, do you really think that he was a Thatcher supporter?
As a merchant seaman during the 60's and 70's and have visited Russia, Romania, China and Poland, I take serious objection to any baffoon that suggests that the UK was in anyway similar to these countries.
I often wondered if Thatcher was just another of your American plants like Pinochet in Chile.
One thing that I do agree with you math thath "it is somewhat inappropriate for me to comment without any real investment in Great Britain's internal strifes"