The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55527   Message #863839
Posted By: GUEST
10-Jan-03 - 04:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tyranny?
Subject: RE: BS: Tyranny?
Geez see flamers everywhere. The SmarTruck is a crowd control device. It's not a hardened military's a multi-purpose vehicle for domestic use. It'll move through your neighborhood, monitor this and that and shoot rubber bullets at crowds of 'possible al Qeada' congregated at the local McDonalds. In case it has escaped your attention, we are living in a tyranny in the U.S. 'There are none so enslaved as those who believe themselves to be free'. Our cops are being militarized, and the Homeland Security Act just created a Gestapo, a national police. Rumsfeld has just given licenses to kill to American military...kill 'other terrorists', which is you and me. Carte blanche license to kill. And now, the general who held the NORAD interceptor jets on the ground Sept. 11 has been promoted to supreme commander of NORTHCOM. The U.S. military now claims all of North America. Well I don't want all of North America. I just want us to get back to sane foreign policy. Pay a fair market price for oil and skip the wars. Let the poverty-stricken fundamentalists build schools to educate their way out of their cycle of poverty while we in the U.S. keep on as we were. But you seem to have bought into this 'need for perpetual war'. Get the soap suds out of your head.