The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55564   Message #864361
Posted By: Ljung
11-Jan-03 - 09:55 AM
Thread Name: ADD:Inches and Miles(David Mallett)+Circle of Frnd
Subject: Lyr Add: INCHES AND MILES (David Mallett)
Hi there
I have that lovely poem.

(David Mallett)
As recorded by David Mallett on "David Mallett" (1978)

1. And how many times have we talked to each other
Like sister and brother, like mother and child?
How many fires have we sat by together
In keeping from the weather when the wind is running wild?
And how come we never married? How is it that we've buried
All the feelings that we've carried for such a long, long while?
And speaking of feelings, I feel that the distance
Between us is growing by inches and miles.

2. And how well I remember when we came together!
I taught you to listen and you taught me how to care.
But now as I whisper the words to the love songs
We once learned together, the music is not there.
And now my fire needs attending and my faith needs amending.
For it seems there is no ending to my feelings and my fears.
And while I am talking, I feel that the distance
Between us is growing by minutes and years.

3. And now like some beggar I stare at your window.
Your candles are burning and your love is inside.
But doors can't be opened by wishes nor tokens,
And all things have endings and beggars have their pride.
And now I know I should be leaving, but my feelings are deceiving.
And you're standing in the doorway and you're trying hard to smile,
And while you are smiling, I feel that the distance
Between us is growing by inches and miles.

* * *

It is very sweet, and I cry when I read it. Just now, I have to leave the man I love the most, so it feels written just for me.