The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55527   Message #864514
Posted By: GUEST
11-Jan-03 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tyranny?
Subject: RE: BS: Tyranny?
Lurker, do you really think they want to allow this?...I CAN PROVE G.W. BUSH KNEW THE SEPT. 11 ATTACKS WERE COMING! SUE ME IF I AM LYING!

The reason I personally worry is because I know what kind of country the next generation of Americans will inherit. It's just not acceptable. The Constitution and Bill of Rights will be gone in 10 years if people don't act NOW.

And our most valuable asset has already been destroyed. 85% of U.S. manufacturing has gone overseas over the past 30 years. And our current junta in the White House does nothing but suck the Treasury, with every new Executive Order and bill signed. We're not manufacturing, and we're spending. Bankruptcy is around the corner. And we are in debt to the World Bank. The Great Lakes, for example...did you know they were used as collateral for a World Bank loan? A loan we didn't need, but which our govt. took out anyway, just so the U.N. can eventually put troops on the lakes to take control when we default on the loan?

The totalitarian world government which is coming (just the final phase of hundreds of years of consolidations and mergers) cannot allow freedom. That's how oppressive governments survive...through compartmentalization and 'need to know basis'. So the internet will be denied ordinary people. And the new feudal overlords will smirk at the memory of the last generation of Americans who had the WHOLE PLAN laid out in front of them but preferred to do nothing.