The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55568   Message #864573
Posted By: Beccy
11-Jan-03 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Warning LOTR return of the king
Subject: RE: BS: Warning LOTR return of the king
That was a hoot! I thought we were original in our LOTR/Star Wars confusion. We made Jedi Robes for our little ones (at their request) for Christmas. My eldest was wearing his and looking very sinister. When I asked what he was pretending, he said, "Mom, I'm a Nazgul with a light saber who is going to fight Darth Vader and Frodo. But not Bilbo- cause he found the one ring of power."

Did ya'll hear what the actor who did Jar Jar's voice said when asked how he felt about being the most hated Star Wars character of all time? He said, "Well, here's how I feel about it. I was in Star Wars and you weren't."