The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55568   Message #864617
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
11-Jan-03 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Warning LOTR return of the king
Subject: RE: BS: Warning LOTR return of the king
I'm with you McGrath.... Jar Jar was the only character who was a CHARACTER in that boring movie. I was sorry they cut him out of the 2nd film. All the other charcters were cardboard stereotypes with a ton of bad acting to match a ridiculously mundane story. I fail to see the spectacle of Star Wars. Talk about being suckered in by hype!

I thought both the LOTR books and films provide great entertainment, but I wouldn't bother to hold one up to the other. Each has its own merits and those folks who whine about changes in characters need to get a life!

Sorry, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this moring. Unfortunately it was a solid wall. Ouch!
