The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55596   Message #864923
Posted By: Jeri
11-Jan-03 - 10:56 PM
Thread Name: Shanty Session Success at Press Room
Subject: RE: Shanty Session Success at Press Room
Thanks SINSULL. I noticed you didn't forget any words. You just have to be different, dontcha? I probably would have been better off with the fiddle! When you screw up with a guitar in a crowded, loud room, nobody notices.

It was quiet like the Press Room is rarely quiet. SINS did a song, and she's a pretty quiet singer. There was complete silence, as far as I could tell. There were plenty of folks there other than singers too. Some people stayed for dinner - all Roll & Goers, I believe.

Jaque, next time, just get the phone number to the Press Room, find Portsmouth and call when you get here. We can either talk you in or go find you - it ain't that big a town.

'Twas a great session!