The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55596   Message #865130
Posted By: Charley Noble
12-Jan-03 - 10:19 AM
Thread Name: Shanty Session Success at Press Room
Subject: RE: Shanty Session Success at Press Room
Wow! All them nightowls posting their appreciation of last night's wonderful gathering at the Press Room. Well, thanks, Tom and Linn, for pulling this together AND putting it on a monthly schedule. It was a joy to sing songs in a less chaotic setting. I love the Friday night sessions, but find them extremely stressful for leading songs other than shanty shouts. Last night we could even hear a gentle and taseful ballad about an old she-crab. Well, maybe Jeri's "Mollymauk" would be a better example.

Oh, and this time I got to sit with a corner wall behind me, to help project my gentle voice. Love that corner!

It's also great to hear new interpretations of familar songs; Barry's rendition of "Yangtse River" needs to be recorded. I'd like to think that Hamish Maclaren would appreciate what we are doing with his old song; I'm reading some of his other books now and it's clear that he strayed far from the proper sort of life his parents expected of him.

We'll make a concerted effort to get Capt. Bunker and Sharon, Kendall, and Uncle Jacque to the next shanty session. Those of us in Maine are hesitant to try to establish another shanty session ourselves, at least before next summer when we might try the Portland Observatory again; it really is a superb place to sing.

Thanks again for a wonderful, spirited afternoon and evening.

Charley Noble