The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55567   Message #865702
Posted By: Little Hawk
13-Jan-03 - 02:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: If there is a God why is he hiding?
Subject: RE: BS: If there is a God why is he hiding?
That Richard Bach excerpt is one of the most brilliant passages of spiritual writing I've ever seen, and I remember it fondly. Great book! Kahlil Ghibran's book "The Prophet" is another masterpiece.

GUEST - Naw.... Day-liah is likeable.

She's just going wild with HTML right now, that's all.

smallpiper - Yeah, I eventually do get a bit frustrated with sheer, bloody-minded, hostile ignorance. Specially when it won't identify itself, won't go away, and won't even try to understand anything it doesn't already think it knows "all about", and then accuses people it knows (obviously) precious little about of being "fascists" in the bargain. Ever try to explain poetry to a baboon? Useless. Like trying to "get milk from a male ostrich", if I may quote from Horatio Hornblower...

It was the Christian churches who should have died of shame, following what they did to humanity in the last 2000 years. Matter of fact, the Catholic Church seems to be dealing with its bad karma quite heavily lately. Doesn't surprise me...

But that's no reflection on "God". Wankan Tanka did not employ the black robes. I think they were working for someone else entirely.

- LH