The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55543   Message #866228
Posted By: GUEST
13-Jan-03 - 05:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Democrat = Republican
Subject: RE: BS: Democrat = Republican
Lurker & kendall...yes, drugs are draining America. And no sane person can hate cops...not good cops. But entire police departments are now being brainwashed by FEMA training, and the result is that incident in Eugene, Ore. As far as drugs, legalize pot, tax and regulate it, quit putting kids on pharmaceuticals at school, and try and execute the dealers of opiates. And I mean the bigwigs like the Bushes. They created the Crack/Cocaine problem. The black leaders have been saying that for years. The cocaine is imported by the CIA, cooked into cheap crack and then distributed by 'rival' gangs. Cryps and Bloods are just like Dems and Reps...two rivals always pretending to be at odds but both benefitting from the same system. Cut the head off the CIA opiate-distribution system. And quit raiding naked women with 45-man SWAT teams. If we don't do that, the future is easily predictable. Commercials on TV now equate drugs with terrorism, SUVs and guns. Cops were given INCENTIVE to focus on drugs...they get 10% of the assets seized in 'drug-related' cases, so hell yes they're going to focus on those cases. That's how they try to seize ranches around here...BS 'throwdowns' of drugs in otherwise ordinary police matters. Happens when someone has money in the bank or is a big land-owner. So get rid of the incentive to focus on drugs, cut the head off the importation business and that problem is GONE. Problem is, police depts. LIKE the Federal money connected to the 'war on drugs', even though that war is phony and government-created, just like the 'war on terrorism'. And too many highly-placed people in South, Central and North America have been sucked into the huge profits of the drug trade. And they run governments which Bush Sr. is currently arming to the teeth, so they can hold onto their bit of the drug assembly line.

Rebel...Yeah, the Stiglitz stuff is interesting. A lot of it is over my head, but I've learned a lot from reading about him. Basically, there are 66 nations in the world that are independent. They have no central bank connected to the World Bank. These are the 66 nations GWBush has identified as 'rogue nations'. He calls them 'terrorist-sponsoring nations', etc. They are marked for elimination by the World Bank. The U.S. will be the hammer. Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Iran, Somalia, Lybia, etc. The problem the bankers have with these countries is that they can't loan them money at back-breaking interest, so the U.S. will reduce them to rubble (like we did Yugoslavia), then the U.N. will move in and claim all the natural resources before starting with their 'humanitarian' efforts. Gansterism as big as it gets. And Stiglitz outlines the METHOD the IMF/World Bank uses to get their hooks into a country, and what comes after. They bribe key officials (GWBush made the kind of 'cold calls' sales people do...did that when he was in his daddy's white all the water resources of Argentina signed over to 'Kenny Boy' of Enron, for one thing, and now Buenos Aires has no water). So the World Bank gives the Minister of Water in some country a billion dollars, and that minister doesn't care about anything else after that...his country's water is signed over as collateral to the Bank. And the system Stiglitz outlines is always the same...when the loan can't be paid it...increase the interest and yearly payments...again and again. Then, when the yearly payment is impossible to meet and the country defaults, the World Bank claims the water and oil and uranium, etc. And the banks are closed and people lose their life savings. It's a six-step plan that works the same in every country, down to the planned riots when the banks close. And it's coming here. I'm glad you're looking at that, because THAT is the root of the problem.