The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55496   Message #866232
Posted By: GUEST,The Wild Rover
13-Jan-03 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: derrymacash has left the building
Subject: RE: derrymacash has left the building
A bus stop. A stranger sits, chewing a match. Hugh Pat saunters along and joins him.

STRANGER : D'you know what time the next bus is?

HUGH PAT : (eyes the stranger suspiciously) Not from roun' about here, then, are you?

STRANGER : I was once! But I've been glipin' about this many's the year.

HUGH PAT : Oh, aye! Aff makin' your fortune, were you?

STRANGER : A lock o' times over. But I spent the whole damn lot on the booze. Still ... now I'm back, with more money than you could count. That's the ramblin' over, boy!

HUGH PAT : I'm sure!

STRANGER : No. Never again! That's me finished wi' the hoofin'.

HUGH PAT : Good man!

STRANGER : Mind you. See when I got back! I went to this wee pub I used to knock about in.

HUGH PAT : The Corner House?

STRANGER : No. Never mind where.

HUGH PAT : Was it Hugh News's?

STRANGER : Listen, for god's sake. It doesn't matter where exactly. It's jist ... in I walks and says to the woman of the place. "Are you good for the loan iv a few quid for a couple o' drinks. I haven't a roosic on me and me tongue's hangin' outa me with the drooth." Says she "Away to blazes! Sure I could get thon type of custom any damn day."

HUGH PAT : It must have been Kanes, was it?

STRANGER : Shut up now with the where was it business! Anyways. Hand in the oul' pocket and up comes the readies. One, two, three, four ... and so on. Ten sovereigns!

HUGH PAT : Jaysus! She wouldn't have seen the like of thon in a quare day. I'll bet her oul' eyes was near poppin' outa her head.

STRANGER : Like saucers! Anyways. Next thing you know she's going "Oh, we've got great wines and whiskeys here. Don't you be paying any heed to my crabbitness there a wee while back. I was only havin' you on, so I was!"

HUGH PAT : The oul' hypocrite!

STRANGER : There you go!

HUGH PAT : Where're you for now?

STRANGER : Home to see my oul' ma and da. I'm going to tell them that I've been a rip and a hallion. But I'm back now for good or ill. So if they let bygones be bygones, then thon's me! Home! For good!

HUGH PAT : Well good luck, anyhow! And you'll be doin' no more glipin'.

STRANGER : Divil a bit!