The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46820   Message #866380
Posted By: Haruo
13-Jan-03 - 10:51 PM
Thread Name: mondegreen ?
Subject: RE: mondegreen ?
Genie says (a few months back but I just saw it) that "Glory be to the Father and to the Son and down the hole he goes!" is not a mondegreen. Looks like one to me. Why not, Genie? ("down" for "to" may be a bit of a stretch, but no more than many other celebrated mondegreens) Or perhaps your Unitarianism hasn't provided enough exposure to the Gloria Patri to recognize the text? It is, after all, about as Trinitarian a text as you'll meet, and the spectral wording ("Ghost" for the more au courant "Spirit") is still current in many churches. Especially since changing it destroys the meter.
