The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55111   Message #866404
Posted By: GUEST
13-Jan-03 - 11:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's Opium War
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Paying off Terrorists, on Cipro 9-11
(The people in the American government and intelligence community who assisted the terrorists on Sept. 11 are being promoted and given bonuses. Marion Bowman refused to let good field agents apply existing law to look at the hard drive. Bowman is directly responsible for letting Bush and Eberhart carry out the attacks...and now he gets a bonus of our tax money. For murdering innocents. I truly hope Grassley is as steamed as he sounds...I hope this isn't just another diversion):

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III has been asked by a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee to justify an award he gave to an FBI official who refused requests by Minneapolis agents for a warrant to search the computer of terror suspect Zacarias Moussaoui.

Sen. Charles E. Grassley, Iowa Republican, described as "shocking" Mr. Mueller's decision to give the Presidential Rank of Meritorious Service award to Marion "Spike" Bowman, head of the FBI's national security law unit.

"By granting this award and a monetary bonus, you are sending the wrong signal to those agents who fought — sometimes against senior FBI bureaucrats at headquarters — to prevent the [September 11] attacks," Mr. Grassley said in a letter Thursday to Mr. Mueller....

(Bush went on the antibiotic Cipro on Sept. 11. WEEKS before the 'anthrax attack'. Not only did he have prior knowledge the plane attacks were coming, he had prior knowledge the anthrax attacks were coming. Clinton was impeached over a blowjob, people. We have a slam-dunk case for mass murder of Americans against GWBush. And these stories are just the couple new ones I came across today. There are thousands of stories about government involvement in Sept. 11 and the anthrax 'attack' out there):

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government abuse and corruption, said today that the Bush administration has failed to provide a complete and accurate response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request concerning the decision to place White House staff on a regimen of the powerful antibiotic, Cipro, the same day as the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.