The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52920   Message #866857
Posted By: Wolfgang
14-Jan-03 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Did Nazis really take the guns?
Subject: RE: BS: Did Nazis really take the guns?
When I first had seen this thread I had tried to find some information but without success. Since the relevant link in kat's link above doesn't work, here's a bit of information (from a German pro-weapon's site, BTW) I have found now.

After WWI, several new laws tried to demilitarise the population:
12.12. 1918, 13. 1. 1919, 7. 8. 1920 came three laws granting the citizens freedom from prosecution if they turned over military weapons and proscribing them to do so.

October 1928: New 'law about guns and ammunition' was the first comprehensive German law about weapons. The purchase of guns and ammunition was restricted to those with permits, and only few were eligible for permits (sport shooters, hunters, those endangered..)

This law was made even more restrictive (cutting down the number of those who could get a permit) in the years between 1928 and 1931.

All that was before the Nazis came into power in 1933.

In 1938 the Nazis made a new weapon law with less restrictions. Ammunition and rifles (the choice of word may be suboptimal; all those long-barreled guns are meant you usually hold to your shoulder when firing) could be purchased free. Pistols and military weapons could no be purchased free. However, for actually carrying a gun with you you still needed a permit. And, of course, 'enemies of the state' (read: Jews, communists, opposition) were under no circumstances eligible for the permit).

That's in very short a history of German gun control laws before and after the Nazis came into power. I fail to detect a pattern that could be used for NRA propaganda.
