The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55627   Message #866871
Posted By: open mike
14-Jan-03 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: West Coast Mudcat Gathering Planning
Subject: RE: West Coast Mudcat Gathering Planning
r.v.'s, motor homes, tipis, yurts, wickiups--all are welcome!
hikers, bikers, ride a horse, 20 mule team wagon...
can't say there is a run way near by, but there
is a helicopter landing zone--come however you can. The grey
hound stops on the a few miles away too. and the train goes
thru Chico, an hour away...i know the river boats used to get
up the sacramento river as far norts as Gerber - between Chico
and Red Bluff once upon a time...We could put together a
ride board if folks want to arrange a car pool plan...
we have got 5 months to work out the details! shall we
call it a hootenanny? a howl? holler? catty wompus?