The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55436   Message #866910
Posted By: Steve-o
14-Jan-03 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: Washington Square Memories
Subject: RE: Washington Square Memories
What a wonderful thread!!! Thanks to all (and don't stop now...) for your great memories and stories. Being a west-coastie, I missed all of this amazing stuff. In the mid/late sixties I went to college with a few people who had been a part of the Washington Square scene, one of them being Bill Vanaver. Learned a lot of songs from him, heard some great stories, wished I had been a part of it all. My Southern California scene centered around The Ash Grove in Hollywood, the best place to hear all the great folk singers traveling around on the circuits in those days. I got to see and hear loads of them, and even picked with a few in the front room jam sessions. It was heavenly.....just on a much smaller scale. And at this point in time...heh heh heh...I've got tickets for the UCLA show!!!!!