The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55692 Message #867146
Posted By: JennyO
15-Jan-03 - 12:43 AM
Thread Name: Graham Moore (Tolpuddle Man) - web site?
Subject: RE: Graham Moore (Tolpuddle Man) - web site?
I googled around and found a site that has an email address for Graham Moore. It's called Viewpoint Online. I'm no good at blue clickies, but the website's address is then click on Arts pages, then 416, then Festivals. You will find a phone number and an email address for Graham Moore. Not sure how current it is, though. Even if it has changed, I'm sure somebody connected with the festival could help. As far as I can see, he doesn't seem to have his own website.
I am in a choir in Australia called the Solidarity Choir, and we had the good fortune in 2001 to sing at the Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival and to meet Graham Moore.