The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11492   Message #86722
Posted By: Mick Lowe
14-Jun-99 - 08:43 PM
Thread Name: How much should I expect to spend on banjo?
Subject: RE: How much should I expect to spend on banjo?
Philistines..Philistines and ne'er a one near enough to slaughter..
A very well known quote that I have just made up.. though the sentiment remains. One can tell that we are not in the company of any devotee of Irish Diddly music if they are poo-pooing the use of the banjo (tenor especially). How can anyone not sucuumb to Davy Arthur or is it Arthur Davy's use of the one stringed elastic banjo on such classics as "When You Were Young" or "Sweet Sixteen"...
Though my "ignorant" friends I kid you not.. If you know anything about the so called Traditional Irish Music (I use the phrase very loosely as there is no such thing in reality) you would be aware that that the prime instrument is the tenor banjo for two very important reasons
The first being to give that wonderful "plunkety sound",
The second to use as a bludgeon and beat to death any box players in the near vicinity and then as Finnegan so rightly pointed out.. hopefully civil war would then engage, leaving us guitar players to get on with it.