The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55567   Message #867474
Posted By: *daylia*
15-Jan-03 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: If there is a God why is he hiding?
Subject: RE: BS: If there is a God why is he hiding?
OK Bill here's a joke I hope you haven't heard before ... A priest told it during his sermon at Catholic Mass a long time ago.

One fine day a young man died. He went up to Heaven, and Saint Peter met him at the Pearly Gates, offering to show him around. Now Heaven was like a long bright hallway with many rooms on either side.

As they walked past the first door, the young man looked inside the room and saw that it was full of Muslims, heads bowed to the floor worshipping Allah.

They kept walking past the second door, and the young man saw that it was full of Buddhists, sitting in lotus position and chanting.

Peeking inside the third room, he saw that there was a lively Gospel meeting going on with much singing and swaying and praise the Lord!

But when they passed the fourth door, he saw that it was closed. Saint Peter put his fingers across his lips saying "SHHHHHHHHH", and they both tip-toed past. As they continued down the hall, the young man whispered "Who was in that last room?" And Peter whispered back "Ahhh, the Catholics are in there and they don't think anyone else is up here!"