The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55664   Message #867877
Posted By: Banjer
15-Jan-03 - 07:40 PM
Thread Name: Happy birthday Stephen Foster
Subject: RE: Happy birthday Stephen Foster
Guest, unlike you and your GUTLESS wonder friends I am not afraid to let the world know my opinions. My Old Kentucky Home, Suwannee River, and anything else Stephen Foster and many others wrote was written in the past when such lyrics were not looked down upon by the high and oh so mighty politicaly correct idiots such as you seem to be. Our music is as much a part of our heritage and our history as our family trees and anything else that allows us to learn of the past. You and your fellow PC clones may want to rewrite it all, but I will protest such actions as long as I have breath in me. In short, FUCK OFF AND DIE!!!! Banjer said it! (if you want my real name, PM me)