The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17313   Message #869067
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
17-Jan-03 - 04:52 PM
Thread Name: I love Mudcat
Subject: RE: I love Mudcat
Don't much care for th' place muh-self. Sorta got here by acsidint axsadent mistake one day. Ya see, me an' muh brother Bill an' muh other brother Bill (muh Momma likes th' name "Bill") wuz out muddin' one day. Now, fer you city slickers 'at don't know 'bout it, muddin's when us country boys takes 'em big ole four-wheel-drive trucks with 'em big ole nobbly tires out where they's lotsa mud left after a rainstorm 'n we spin donuts 'n make a buncha noise 'n drink beer 'n jus' gen'ly raise hell until we either pass out or blow up a motor. Well, one day Ah blowed up th' motor in muh ole Chevy 'n we towed it back home 'n we'z thinkin' about where's we gonna get a 'nuther motor 'n muh other brother Bill says he knows where there's a Caterpiller bulldozer that we cud probly get th' motor out of. So that night we snuck over t' where the highway boys wuz doin' some clearin' fer a new road 'n we snagged th' motor outta this big ole D-8 jus' as purty as yuh please. Tookit back home 'n took a cuttin' torch t' th' ole Chevy 'n somehow or 'nuther got that big ole Cat diesel into it. Next day we fired that mother up 'n run it on down t' the muddin' bog 'n, Ah'm gone tell yuh what, that rig flat kicked ass. Muh brother Bill said that since it 'uz such a bad-ass truck we orta give it a name. So we thunk 'bout it fer a while 'n muh other brother Bill says that since it's fer muddin' 'n it's got a Cat motor in it we shud call it "Mudcat".

So, one day Ah's playin' roun' on this computer 'n Ah decided t' see if mebbe sumbody else had a truck like mine so I put "Mudcat" into that Google thing 'n next thing Ah know Ah'm here at this place. Now, Ah've got some friends that pick 'em guitars 'n banjos 'n such so Ah though Ah'd just check it out. Well, Ah'm gone tell yuh what, you's about a buncha wierd-ass damn people. Ah think a whole buncha yuh's Commnists 'r sumthin. Always bad-mouthin' th' President. 'N halfa yuh's ferners 'uh some kind. Always talkin' 'bout some places called "Hull" 'n "Twillingsgate". What th' shit's 'at all about? 'N 'at Spaw character. Always fartin' 'n sayin "fuck" right out in public. 'N what in th' double-dee hell is a Shatner?

Ah tell ya, you people is sumthin else.

By th' way. There's some feller hangin' 'round here purtendin' t' be me. Goes by th' name "Bruce". He ain't me. My Momma'd never give no son 'a hers a wimpy-ass name like "Bruce". Muh name's Bill, jus' like muh brothers. Ah told yuh Momma likes th' name "Bill".