The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55724   Message #869125
Posted By: Donuel
17-Jan-03 - 06:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush to Minorities: Screw you and the...
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to Minorities: Screw you and the...
If Bush calls it a quota system then it is a quota system. Plain and simple.

If Bush says stem cells are babies that are being killed by scientists then by God we have got to put a stop to it.

If Bush says that Saddam has a nuclear bomb then its high time this country wises up and sends our proud volunteer army of blacks to clean up Iraq. Our white performance enhanced pilots will be there to clear their path.

If Bush says screw yourself then you are duty bound to do it.
Mandatory volunteerism, secret tribunals, war, whatever it takes to make America great once again after those dark decedant Clinton years of depravity.

If Bush says he is sick and tired we should take him at his word and lay off him once and for all.

Disagreement is dissent, and in war - dissent is treason.
So if you have a problem with Bush or this guy Jim Crow it is best you get out of here while the getting is good.
This country will soon be for loyal Americans and not the sniveling drug crazed liberals that caused this country to be attacked in the first place.

(its not hard to argue with people who believe all the above,
but to debate ? - IMPOSSIBLE.)