The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55799   Message #869528
Posted By: Rick Fielding
18-Jan-03 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Folk and Psychic Cures, Faith Healing.
Subject: Folklore: Folk and Psychic Cures, Faith Healing.
Thought I'd use the "Folklore" prefix for this, just because....
If it's actually "BS" to Rael and the Joclones, please change it, I won't be upset (in this life)

I saw Jim Krause's thread on arthritis, and how quickly some folks came in with their suggestions. Hope this situation gets better Jim, it must be scary as WELL as painful.

For a couple of years I lived across the street from a "Doctor" (in Suburban Montreal) who made and sold LAETRILE. He may have "invented" it, I don't remember.

What I DO remember was my Dad (a pharmaceuticals guy) cursing him out big time, for stealing huge amounts of money from 'gullible' souls who were dying of cancer, and were willing to try anything to save their lives.

Was there actually any benefit in Laetrille? Did it help in any other research?
I remember the Comedian Andy Kauffman going to the Phillipines for "psychic surgery", and if I'm not mistaken this was long AFTER 60 MInutes (and James Randi) had exposed it as a total fraud.

I know that thousands of folks still go to Lourdes (and other similar places) for healing, and I guess as long as ALL these things revolve around money, and local economies, as well as faith, folks will keep going. Even today there are at least three TV programs a week with Evangelists who claim to 'heal' people live on the air. Some of it is sad, some funny and some, just plain scary (Like the indescribable Benny Hinn)

BUT...BUT....would I be right in thinking that if 'someone DOES believe' wholeheartedly, they may WELL get healed in a 'mind over matter' thing?

Any experiences, anecdotes, etc?

