The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55527   Message #869566
Posted By: GUEST
18-Jan-03 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tyranny?
Subject: RE: BS: Tyranny?
Sounds like a coward's way out. Don't you WANT to be part of history? Wouldn't it be GREAT to rescue the Constitution from destruction? We are FORTUNATE to have this chance. The enemies of the well-hidden over the past century...are panicking right now because the evidence of their crimes is being disseminated across the internet. They are panicking, and they are making mistakes. If just ten percent of Americans laid aside the football and the music and the sit-coms for a while and demanded an OPEN INVESTIGATION of Sept. 11, the world crime syndicate running our country would be exposed. And if it's not exposed, you will die in a concentration camp and the history books will be re-written to explain why you deserved death in a cloud of cyanide because you were an enemy of the 'Homeland', or an 'enemy combatant', or an 'Arab', or a 'Christian', or a 'militia' or an 'SUV owner' or a 'home schooler', etc. etc. etc. The perpetual war is against YOU, unless you take steps to stop it now.