The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55723   Message #869855
Posted By: gnu
19-Jan-03 - 07:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are you Too Canadian?
Subject: RE: BS: Are you Too Canadian?
Daylia said..."Laws about screwdrivers? Egads!! Only in Canada ..." No, no, no. All over the world. That way, I don't have to replace the crappy screws with Robertsons when I fix something from afar. Or at least in the States, as I try to buy North American if I can.

LH... how do you feel about the impending civil war? Canucks may show more deference to authority, be more relaxed, whatever, BUT, Tim's (Tim Horton Donuts... "always fresh") has announced they intend to make ALL the donuts in T.O. (Toronto) and ship 'em across the country frozen. Well, it's the talk of the town here in Moncton, which has, per capita, the most Tim's. There have been interviews on the news with the "person in the street" and everyone is appalled... some are downright p****d off. Anarchy may ensue. You just don't f*** with a Canuck's donuts.