The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55822   Message #869985
Posted By: Amos
19-Jan-03 - 01:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Over 10,000 March For Peace in Toronto!
Subject: RE: BS: Over 10,000 March For Peace in Toronto!
Washington, DC:

Tens of thousands rallied in the capital in an
emphatic dissent against preparations for war in Iraq, voicing a
cry - ``No blood for oil'' - heard in demonstrations around the

A rally in the shadows of Washington's political and military
institutions anchored dozens of smaller protests throughout Asia,
Europe, the Middle East and the United States on Saturday. In
Washington, police said 30,000 marched through the streets, part of
a much larger crowd that packed the east end of the National Mall
and spilled onto the Capitol grounds.

``We stand here today, a new generation of anti-war activists,''
Peta Lindsay from International Answer, the main organizers,
exhorted the spirited masses in a biting cold. ``This is just
beginning. We will stop this war.''

Police reported few arrests in the rally, which preceded the
march past Marine barracks to the Washington Navy Yard.

``We don't want this war and we don't want a government that
wants this war,'' said Brenda Stokely, a New York City labor
activist. A sign branded America, not Iraq, a ``Rogue Nation.''
Another said, ``Disarm Bush.''