The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55822   Message #870061
Posted By: NicoleC
19-Jan-03 - 04:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Over 10,000 March For Peace in Toronto!
Subject: RE: BS: Over 10,000 March For Peace in Toronto!
Yes/no. Summer is coming to Iraq -- we need but delay the attack for another month or so beyond it's planned date and it will put a major kink in any military plans to deal with the desert heat. Once the summer really sets in, the war plans will have to be delayed until end of 2003, and Bush will have to sell it all over again.

Of course, we could attack anyway in the summer heat. Or attack in February as planned. The first scenario would lose Dubya much of his support within the military; the second would virtually guarentee a one term presidency.