The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55527   Message #870202
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Jan-03 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tyranny?
Subject: RE: BS: Tyranny?
That's a clever name for a band. It would suit veteran country musicians better, though, than your typical folkies. :-)

Carol - Wonderfully incisive point about the functioning of the Democratic and Republican parties, playing the public like an out-of-tune violin. It's the old "good cop - bad cop" routine, a routine also favored by police interrogators. The Democrats pretend to be touchy-feely Liberal nice guys defending your civil rights, the Republicans pretend to be God-loving patriotic tough guys defending America from aggression and subversion, and either way the great unspoken secret agenda moves forward...election after phony election. Whichever way the public looks ready to swing, the appropriate puppets are provided to mollify them...but your last presidential election was just a tad...unusual. A coup, I would call it.

All you need now is one more officially-labelled "terrorist" attack on the heartland, and you can kiss goodbye to even the pretense of democracy in the USA. And to think that they accused Bin Laden of attacking democracy! If he was consciously doing so, they couldn't have found it more convenient to the greater grand design.

SpArrownoid, I think that the same guys own the U.N. as do the US government and most other major governments, so the U.N. is just a handy instrument to advance their policy. Would you agree? I saw a book about this once, written in the 80's. It was called "Last Waltz of the Tyrants", and it predicted their worldwide fall. I hope it was right about that. The essential point in the book was that the people at the top had become basically souless, having arrived at an understanding of life that was based entirely on personal financial gain and the amassing of personal power by any means that worked. They justified it by assuming that they were being "realistic", if they bothered to justify it at all.

That is a policy which could be termed not just immoral, but completely outside even any structure or understanding of insane policy, in other words. Such things are easily accomplished when most people become just little cogs in huge organizations, and the left hand doesn't know or care what the right hand is doing. You see that all the time in our society. You couldn't get away with that kind of nonsense in a small Indian tribe or a frontier community where everyone knew everyone else personally, and was therefore accountable for his or her actions. The US Constitution arose out of that open, frontier mentality, and it owed much to the social/political traditions of Native America, which had revolutionized European social philosophy since around 1500, and played a big part in ending entrenched European ideas about monarchy and class.

Nowadays class means only one If you've got billions, you are in the ruling class. If you've got millions, you're aspiring toward being in the ruling class, and can find the illusion of safety by living in some ritzy "gated community" and abusing your Filipina or Mexicana maid on weekends.

- LH