The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55926   Message #871857
Posted By: Bobert
21-Jan-03 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Abbey Road is now non-smoking
Subject: RE: BS: Abbey Road is now non-smoking
So I was reading about the Stones palying last night at Madison Square Gardens and, well, ya' ain't 'sposed to be smokin' in there and well, Mick and Keith up there with butts danglin' from their lips and now the New York mayor has his buns all twisted up over it and might even have Mick and Keith arrrested fir smokin'...

Man, what is the world comin' to, anyway. I reckon that Cheek and Chong might as well skip New York on their next tour... Jus funnin' about C&C...

Ahh, back to the Beetles. Ahhh, just how are the revisionist's goinna explain a lot of their late stuff. "Lucy in the sky with diamonds"... "I am the eggeman, I am the eggeman, I am the walrus". Yeah, sanitize that stuff, if you will...
