The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55926   Message #872128
Posted By: Wolfgang
22-Jan-03 - 09:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Abbey Road is now non-smoking
Subject: RE: BS: Abbey Road is now non-smoking
If photos can be edited so can sung lyrics (soon). Rewrites of history along the present (party) line has been popular all the time. Remember the famous Stalin photos with Trotzkij brushed away? Or the Chinese central committee with 'the band of four' missing when they fell out of favour?

A hilarious example is 'Casablanca'. In postwar Germany, that film was shown shortened to a smugglers' story with no mention of Nazis and German soldiers whatsoever. Since many years now they show the real 'Casablanca'. (Nearly) Nobody's feelings are hurt now in Germany by mentioning Nazi cruelties.

I hate falsifications even when done with the best of motives.
