The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11504   Message #87223
Posted By: Fadac
16-Jun-99 - 04:13 PM
Thread Name: we'll have Nunavit - BS
Subject: RE: we'll have Nunavit - BS
Rick, I think they could use a banjo picker too. :o)

Hmmm, lets see, I need to convert the Cessena 182 to a taildragger, 180. Sell the boat, buy fur underwear (fuzzy side in, please.) Learn to BBQ Carabo, or is it Raindeer? How do you BBQ a seal? Perhaps they are too far inland for seals, then artic char (a fish).

Oh boy, just tell the wife, "It's the boy's night out, I'll be back by dawn." The nights are 6 months long.

Accorgion playing with mittens? Hmmm, like picking your nose with boxing gloves.

I think it would be intresting to see it though. I do plan on taking my little birdie to Alaska...Someday. Why not visit Canada too?
