The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55892   Message #872829
Posted By: khandu
23-Jan-03 - 10:29 AM
Thread Name: Post-show CD Sales Surge?
Subject: RE: Post-show CD Sales Surge?
Anyone else want to encourage "Thistle and Shamrock", their e-mail is:

Sir Tweed suggest that, in e-mailing, we should include This info link, as well as possibly including Amos' Liner Notes.

Of course, explaining the purposes of the Mudcat Cafe and including the Cafe's URL are quite important.

kat is correct. Personal conversation is most effective. I nominate anyone with a good voice, and personal magnetism to make the call!

We have gone far enough to contribute our music; therefore, let's go farther and promote these things.

All the work that has been put into the recordings, the compilation, the art work, etc., is marvelous. Now, let us make all this past effort "availeth much", by putting some good promo effort behind it.

Remember, this is not just for the Cafe, but for each one of us.

Anyone with promo ideas, please chime in. Don't be held back by thinking it is a silly idea. Hell, yours might be the idea that WORKS!

Folks, we are sitting on a ton of great music here. It is worth the effort. Do it for those poor souls who are wasting away wanting to hear some music worth listening to! Do it for the Cafe. Do it for yourselves, and do it for poor old tired Amos! ;-D
