The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55724   Message #873881
Posted By: Bobert
24-Jan-03 - 12:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush to Minorities: Screw you and the...
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to Minorities: Screw you and the...
Well, danged, Fred. You said it all, right there...

But, as per usual under this current administration, the PR work has been done and there don't seem to be any folks who want to take on Junior's PR firm. The average American working man is working his butt off at Boss Hog's widget plant to pay for the SUV that Boss Hog sold him and has his Boss Hog credit cards maxed and the poor guy doesn't have time to think. Just obey, and think he's thinking. Like how mauch actual thought goes on inside the mind of a parrot? But we have all these people stuck in Boss Hog's exercize wheels, getting no where and all they are capable of is parroting. Sure there are a few folks who disagree with AA who are thinking people but for the most part, the American people don't have a clue about the program or its history.

You have to compliment Bush for recognizing the complete stangle hold that his people have on the working man. And they are smart enough to recognize that if they put enough sugarcoat on any issue that the working man will eat it and say it was wonderful. Yep, Bush has gone way beyond the days of *the big lie told often and loudly* to *dressed to the nines* lies that are all glitter yet short enough to fit onto a bumper stciker or into a sound bite.

Unfortuately, the issues involved and the history of of AA are more complex than bumper sticker fixes.

Like I have pointed out several times recently, Bush is going to have his war, he is going to hurt minority participation in the American dream, he is going to rob the working class, he is going to force poor women into back alley abortion shops and there's hardly anything anyone can do about it because, unless I've missed something, he *owns* the governemnt right now...

Carlos Castanada had Don Juan tell Carlos that Carlos should pay someone to give Carlos's teenage son a butt whoppin' becuase it would give the son a lesson in humility. Well, looks like the American people are getting one of those butt whoppins right now and I hope they remember it this time because they must have forgotten it to let such a madman reach such a high level of power.

But, with all that said, I still see the value in AA and hope and pray that, inspite of the long odds against its survival, that it does survive until a better p;lan is in place...

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater...
